Donate Your Unwanted Semen & Embryos

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Do you have semen or embryos you would like to not pay storage on in 2025?

Donate them to the RSG Foundation!

Breeder donations will receive a receipt for their donation showing the number of units donated. If you itemize deductions on your federal tax return, you may be entitled to claim a charitable deduction for your RSG Foundation donations. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), a taxpayer can deduct the fair market value of items given to a non-profit.

It’s easy… just log into the Genetics Inventory Management Platform. Follow these instructions:

  1. Select the animal you wish to donate semen or embryos from.
  2. Then select the Sell/ Transfer button.
  3. Select the animal record check box and enter the amount of units you wish to donate.
  4. Under Buyer email enter:
  5. Under Sell Type select from the drop down menu “Donate”
  6. In the Notes section put what you believe is the fair market value for the unit(s) being donated.
  7. Click green Submit button
  8. On the next screen under Account Name select: RSG Foundation Inc.
  9. Click green Submit button again
  10. Transfer is complete

Once the donation is accepted by the RSG Foundation a thank you letter acknowledging the donation will be emailed.

What will happen with your donation?

RSG Foundation Gene Bank

The RSG Foundation has established a Gene Bank where breeder’s unwanted genetics are offered to those just getting started breeding sheep and goats.

Over $13,000 worth of grants have been provided to young producers wishing to utilize the donated genetics to improve their programs.

Genetics are also offered in an online catalog format providing access at a discounted price. All proceeds go back to the RSG Foundation for funding Youth Engagement and other programs.

Some genetics may be used for educational and research purposes by the foundation.

large vat open
Gene Bank
tad talking to students

Learn more…

RSG Foundation Website

Please visit our website to learn more about the RSG Foundation.

RSG Foundation Inc

Foundation semen sale 24
RSG Foundation Logo

2590 N 500 E

Lebanon, IN 46052

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